turning away

v. 转变方向;转变方向
[网络] 转过身去;于是我转身离开;边转身离开



  1. He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea
  2. Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate
  3. Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.
  4. 'Ah, when? God knows!' he said, and turning away from her, walked rapidly away.
  5. He died almost immediately. The men's faces were white as they looked down at his body. I saw something move on the hill, and noticed, among the trees, a man with a gun, turning away from the road.
  6. In the Falklands too, the mammoth of gladiators are turning away from their battlefields and the spectacular Exodus must now begin.
  7. I was not sitting at a Chinese restaurant* turning away when you should have been looking at me.
  8. Again, when the evil-doer, turning away from the evil he has done, does what is ordered and right, he will have life for his soul.
  9. Turning away from those who care too much.
  10. In the middle of the deepest turmoil, there is Peace and Love to be found by turning away from the Darkness, to the Light, and asking for your Father's help.
  11. Turning away from the use of lenses, Newton devised the reflecting telescope, which makes use of a bowl-shaped metal mirror to focus the light from the stars.
  12. Turning away or in the opposite direction.
  13. "Yet a gentleman should not be unjust neither," said biddy, turning away her head.
  14. When the upright man, turning away from his righteousness, does evil, death will overtake him; in the evil which he has done death will overtake him.
  15. Turning away or in the opposite direction. And she stepped back to retire.
  16. I want to drink,'he exclaimed fretfully, turning away.
  17. Why are more and more corporations turning away from fixed forms of compensation in favor of variable pay?
  18. He tried to catch the attendant's eye but the man was already turning away.
  19. At a time when nations such as China and Germany are increasing investment in their research bases, Britain is turning away some of the people it needs the most.
  20. If we don't do that, 20 years from now we'll still be kicking ourselves in the seat of the pants for turning away from an enormous opportunity to give our children a safer world.
  21. What is clear from the data is that foreigners have not deserted the US economy so far and no evidence suggests that they are on the verge of turning away from the largest economy in the world.
  22. So all the men of israel, turning away from david, went after sheba, the son of bichri: but the men of Judah were true to their king, going with him from Jordan as far as jerusalem.
  23. "If that is all you have to say, Fanny" smiling and turning away again.
  24. And the LORD said to me, Israel in her turning away is seen to be more upright than false judah.
  25. She was very quiet and shy, turning away whenever she saw him glancing her way.
  26. But if the evil-doer, turning away from all the sins which he has done, keeps my rules and does what is ordered and right, life will certainly be his; death will not be his fate.
  27. Investment tends to imply expectations of growth founded on a base of solidity; while "alternative" suggests turning away from this concept and forging another path.
  28. Other store assistants react by averting their gaze and turning away.
  29. Younger Japanese consumers in particular are turning away from cars, spending their money on electronics or other goods.